Forum >> Banishment >> Report Cheaters / Problem Players » What can you actually do?
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Leading Aircraftman
5 Posts
Enlisted On: 22.01.2024

17.04.2024, 08:38 

What I like about BF2 is that it's usually played by the more mature end of the birth - death curve so this is a question not a rant.

The background:

I was playing the other day and got killed by the jet when I was in an odd place, I brushed it off as another death and moved on but it happened a few more times, killed by a jet not strafing a flag and only with a short burst, I then moved myself to an odd location and waited, same again. Server had maybe 10 active players total so I don't think I was being spotted and on a few occasions, I was well hidden.

My frustration is not about the death but more how would you know something was suspect, as downloading the recorder doesn't show the other players screens?
714 Posts
Enlisted On: 26.04.2017

[LS] Rangers
17.04.2024, 11:36 

Any chance you mean that player: and that round:
http://demos.lost-sold...24_04_16_19_06_19.bf2demo ?

When you playback the demo you can cycle between players with space (key).

fyi: https://www.lost-soldi...forum_topic&topic=685
Leading Aircraftman
5 Posts
Enlisted On: 22.01.2024

17.04.2024, 12:06 

Correct player but the recorder is inconclusive, you can see what may be very fortunate targeting but you can't go any further than that as you can't see what they see on their screen, I'm a bit sad with this kind of thing so I did spend a while watching the recording and I was convinced but ultimately there is no proof.
714 Posts
Enlisted On: 26.04.2017

[LS] Rangers
17.04.2024, 12:13 

That demo is conclusive. Enough proofs for an ban for cheating. wink

Given By: AndyP(UK)
Leading Aircraftman
5 Posts
Enlisted On: 22.01.2024

17.04.2024, 13:19 

Dillmann wrote:

That demo is conclusive. Enough proofs for an ban for cheating. wink

Wow, wasn't expecting that, much appreciated
5402 Posts
Enlisted On: 31.01.2016

[LS] Rangers
19.04.2024, 14:43  Homepage

In the topic that Germany Dillmann linked you can find examples of the Demo Analyzer: no it is not possible to see the screen as if you are the player that you are spectating, but through the Battlerecorder (and the aid of Demo Analyzer to catch cheaters) you can get quite close.

When spectating a Jet, for example, you can zoom your player-camera view to be as close to the cockpit as possible, and you can see what is visible and what is not rendered (it will never be a 1:1 match with what the player sees, okay, but it comes pretty close); what you have done by reviewing your own demo is what the administrators are doing too.

So if you like to contribute to learn more, and keep the servers clean of players you suspect / rule-breakers, we're looking for new in-game administrators (start here). LS ADVERTISEMENT aside smile ... returning back to the Battlerecorder you must keep in mind that:
  • you will not be able to witness teammates SPOTTING enemies
  • in any case you do not have access to intel shared by voice (Squad VoIP, TS3, Discord)
  • finally it's not straightforward to tell whether commander (so commander-spotting, UAV) are enabled/airborne
For the commander you can potentially look for the artillery firing (in the respective uncap / safe zone), or UAVs / cars / supplies getting deployed; particularly on the LS Servers we limit commander at different thresholds for every server (and during the live game you can see some messages in the kill-feed, when there aren't enough players to enable commander; or the lack thereof, indicating that the threshold is met and commander is potentially enabled).

If you or anyone reading are interested in continuing either thread of the discussion (the Membership to LS or details/doubts about reviewing Battlerecorder demos using the Analyzer tool) feel free to add replies. Thank you
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